FIREFIGHTERS have said that the fires in Crewe over the weekend could have cost lives if the Government's modernisation plans had been in place.

Fire Brigade Union bosses said the plans to slash fire cover at night would leave people vulnerable to fires after dark.

Crewe's union spokesman firefighter Gareth Roberts said: "The modernisation agenda set out by the Government's independent report to provide a better fire service at lower costs has one main aim.

"That is to have fewer fire stations and fewer firefighters, especially at night.

"Although many of the recommendations contained in the report are already being carried out by firefighters, the reduction of fire cover would see a delay in the time we attend incidents in South Cheshire.

"This will mean more serious fires.

"Insurance companies have already shown their disapproval of the Government's recommendations, because they will have to foot the bill of the fire damage.

"In the long term the public will have to pay because their premiums will increase.

"Fires and road accidents are unpredictable. Whilst there are fewer fires at night, Government statistics show us that most serious fires occur in this period.

"Amongst the fires in Crewe over the weekend was a large fire in a garage in Hungerford Road, which saw neighbouring properties threatened by fire.

"A house fire in Hope Street resulted in the rescue of a young lady.

"The consequences of both these fires could have been far more serious if the Government's modernisation agenda was in place."

Firefighters have suspended further strike action while negotiations take place.