COUNCIL Tax payers in Cheshire will face a 9.9 per cent Council Tax rise, which was agreed by 26 votes to 19 after an unprecedented six hour debate.

Cheshire County Council settled on a council tax rise of 9.9 per cent at a meeting last week which equates to a rise of £1.56 a week on a bill for a Band D property - the mid table average.

The rise is well below the national average for shire counties which is currently 13.8 per cent


The police authority's precept, which was debated on Tuesday evening, has been set at a 19.8 per cent rise, which equates to a £14.86 increase on last year's bill.

Still to come is Vale Royal Borough Council's bill, which is still being debated.

There could also be a massive increase in the fire authority's claim in light of the current strike situation

These rates can be compared to other councils in the area with Warrington Borough Council with a 10.92 per cent rise in Council Tax, which equates to £1.68 per week for band D properties and Halton Borough Council is proposing a 16 per cent rise which equates to £2.40 a week for band D properties. However this is not definite and will be discussed on March 5.

Finance executive member Gretta Cousins said: "We have had to balance increasing service needs against those of our long suffering Council Tax payers.

"We have not shirked from our responsibilities to the people of Cheshire.

"We have protected services whilst reluctantly accepting the consequences for Council Tax and invested wisely for the future."