TOWNSFOLK are again being given the chance to have their say at the next meeting of St Helens Council which takes place on Wednesday, February 26 at 6.15pm in the Town Hall.

The Council is keen to hear your news and views as part of its modernisation agenda and bid to make the Authority more open and accessible. Time will be set aside for a public question time and the hearing of deputations from members of the public.

The deputations must be concerned with matters relating specifically to the function of the Council which affect the borough, part of it or the population in a local area. They must not relate to any personal or individual matter.

If you want to ask a question or submit a deputation you should contact Committee Services at the Town Hall on 01744 456065/456110. The deadline for appropriate written details is 5pm today, Thursday, February 20.

l Next meeting of the Council at which similar provision will be made will be held on Wednesday, April 16.