Congestion charging No thanks!

CONGESTION charging is being considered by 36 towns across the country, pending a successful outcome in London, but the message from Warrington's transport chiefs is clear - no thanks.

Both the chief executive of the borough council and a senior transport officer have vehemently denied any suggestion that Warrington is considering the charge or any kind of workplace parking tax.

Chester, Manchester, Bolton and Bury are said to be thinking of charging for the privilege of driving into their town centres and Warrington too, according to an article in the Observer on Sunday, was also said to be considering it.

But Warrington's chief executive, Steven Broomhead, said: "I can categorically say that we are not considering congestion charging or any workplace parking tax.

"We will look carefully at what happens in London but our town centre is very different. We want to encourage the Government to spend more money on public transport in our area but congestion charging? No thanks."

Phil Johnson, assistant director of transportation and environmental design services, said: "The approach of offering viable alternatives is this council's agreed way forward - choice, not charge."