PERFORMANCE company Uninvited Guests visit Alsager Arts Centre on Thursday, February 27 to perform their latest piece - Offline.

Founded in 1998, Uninvited Guests make performance and multimedia work which combines high-tech with low tech. The company says their work "challenges the boundaries between art forms to produce performance for a media-saturated culture".

The material for Offline was gathered by wandering the web, browsing sites at random. Text, sound and images found on-line are represented in an offline, distinctly low-tech performance. With no internet access or computers on stage, the company explore what happens when on-line texts, many of them sexually explicit, are transferred from their digital domain and spoken live before an audience.

A spokesman said: "Offline explores the way in which people are using the web as a site for confessing, for making their most private lives public; their loves, their loneliness, their fetishistic desires and sexual misdemeanours. The audience are presented with personal revelations that seem to go too far, revelations too intimate for friends let alone strangers scattered across the world."

Please note this performance contains very strong and sexually graphic language. Definitely Cert 18.

Tickets for Offline are £5/£3.50 concessions, available from the BOX OFFICE on 0161 247 5302. ARTIST: Uninvited Guests

VENUE: Alsager Arts Centre, Manchester Metropolitan University, Crewe+Alsager Faculty, Hassall Road, Alsager

DATE: Thursday 27th Feb @ 7.30 pm