TROOPS have returned to a former army transit camp - just as the latest battle over the site looks to have subsided.

With the temperature touching minus five degrees last weekend, members of the East Cheshire and South Manchester Air Training Corps went on manoeuvres at Glazebrook Country Club, in Bank Street.

Just last week an uneasy peace was declared between country club owner Christine Lucas and the borough council, over mounds surrounding the site which the authority wanted moving off the public highway.

For her part Mrs Lucas, who intends to reopen the club, said that the mounds protected her land from invading travellers.

So it seemed like the ideal battleground for air cadets undertaking survival training in the Cheshire countryside.

Formerly the country club was a transit camp for American and Canadian soldiers.

In the early 80s it was the also used as the backdrop for ???? film No Surrender, starring Bernard Hill, which featured many villagers as extras.

Flight lieutenant Michael Eckersley, commanding officer, said: "There is obviously a great military tradition on this land and we are proud to help continue it."