MOTHER-of-three Alice Potts is hoping to raise money for charity with her Christian-based poetry.

Mrs Potts, who lives in Biddulph, has fought back against mental health problems over the last few months.

She spent three months in hospital, but is on the road to recovery from anxiety and panic attacks.

She has written poetry occasionally since she was a teenager, but has become a profilic writer of verse since leaving hospital.

She writes a poem every day, and sometimes during the night when she feels inspired.

Mrs Potts, aged 58, lives in Portland Drive, and is a member of the North Staffs Users Group, a mental health action group.

She is hoping to put together a book of her poems to raise money for the Rethink drop in centre in Biddulph.

"Writing poetry helps me and others, and is a distraction from anxiety," said Mrs Potts, a member of Biddulph Park Methodist Church.

Her battle against illness is featured in The Local Voice, the newsletter for the users group.

"Mrs Potts has tremendous Christian faith and a talent for writing hymns and poems," said the newsletter.

"These have come together especially in the last few months, when she's had some difficult times.

"Her faith has deepened and her literary output has increased from a trickle to a flood."

She has entered a poem for a BBC competition on Britain in the 21st century, and wrote another for the 300th anniversary of John Wesley's birth.