NEW criteria have been approved for setting speed limits on Cheshire roads.

Cheshire County Council, as the Highway Authority, has put together a points system to judge the appropriateness of a speed limit on any given route.

The County's newly established Speed Limit Review (SLR) Panel will take into account factors including the number of houses, shops, pubs, garages and bus stops on a stretch of road.

They will also consider issues such as its accident record, traffic volumes and vulnerable road users.

It follows a county council decision to put together an interim speed strategy while a national review takes place, which includes a revised method for setting speed limits.

The speed limit criteria was approved by Environment Executive Member Andrew Needham.

The SLR panel will now consider speed limits on specific routes, beginning with A roads.

"We have hammered out criteria for setting speed limits using the best advice from a number of sources including the Police and parish councils," said Chairman of the SLR panel, member John Fraser.