The angling world finds itself now in the position of the hunting world some years ago, when many hunting people thought that the opposition could be disregarded as the work of a few freaks and fanatics. There is, of course, no reasonable ground for the banning of either fishing or hunting and both make substantial contributions to the conservation of our environment and wildlife.

Both have many knowledgeable participants from all areas of the community, who would not engage in their pastimes if they found them cruel. One thing is certain, however.

If hunting were banned, all the fire of its opponents would undoubtedly be directed against shooting and angling and it would only be a matter of time before they were unjustly restricted and ultimately banned.

Mr Salter, if you wish to preserve your sport, not only for yourself but also for future generations, you must cease your ill-informed campaign against hunting. The continuance of hunting is the bastion for the defence of every other legitimate country sport.


Countryside Action Network

Keep up the fight to save hunting