JUBILANT pupils and teachers at The Brow Community Primary School are celebrating a hat-trick - after receiving their third national award.

The School Achievement Award, presented to schools with high standards of pupil attainment, is their latest accolade.


The Brow has also won the National Healthy Schools Standard Award and Art Council's Artsmark award.

Headteacher, Malcolm White, said: "I am particularly pleased that all three awards recognise the high standards of teaching and learning, pupil behaviour and attainment, and the range of quality of educational opportunities that have always been provided at The Brow.

"It is to the credit of the whole school community, pupils, staff, governors, parents and our local education authority, that three such valued awards have been made."


Football, rugby league, netball, computer, dance aerobics, art, judo, drama and infant dance clubs have all been provided free for pupils after school over the past few years.

A new purpose-built library will be extended to provide an infant play area, meeting room and main entrance.