
ONE of the volunteers at Burtonwood Museum is looking for information about a little-known outpost of the giant Second World War airbase.

Brian Rhodes, of Golborne Road in Winwick, says that the unit, which was situated less than half a mile west of Boarded Barn Farm, on Lumber Lane in Burtonwood, included six Nissan huts and three apex huts.

Brian wants to feature the information at the museum on the old airbase.

He said: "The unit bordered the football field of the BME factory and the GIs stationed there manned four 50-calibre AA guns.

"It also doubled as a dance hall and cinema.

"We are also searching for the locations of any Robin hangars, which were hangars designed as houses with artificial chimneys."

The museum is open every Sunday afternoon between 2pm and 4pm, and if you can help with Brian's search, call 656188.