GAS Social have turned up the heat in both the Monday and Friday divisions of Warrington Independent Darts League.

They were 5-1 victors at Richmonds in Friday Division One with Mark Green setting them alight in 13 darts.

Eddie Beddall cooked up something special for the Monday Division One side as they stuffed Tetley 6-1. Beddall blasted home in 12 darts.

All home teams except for Jolly Tanner were successful in the Monday top flight. Tanner were tanned 4-3 at home by Hawthorne despite Chris Barrow's 14 darts setting the pace.

Marquis stamped out Imperial 5-2 with Tony Judson's 14 arrows being the highlight.

Marquis B were not so happy in Division Two as they lost 4-2 at Poacher despite Ste Simmons' 11 darts display.

Ian Hall, with 14 darts, stood out for Richmonds in their 4-2 success at Alford Sports Red Line.

Blackburne Arms' D. Barnes recorded 14 darts in the side's 5-2 defeat of Spa Brook.

In Division Three, M. Tuffnell was the king of the jungle for Adelphi as they knocked off King and Queen's crown 4-3.

Tony Monks was in the winning habit for Brickmakers. His 16 arrows helped to achieve a 4-2 victory over Rylands.

Jeff Smith helped Black Bear ring out Ring O'Bells in 14 darts in Division Four.