Massacre, (18)


MORE gore, more shocks, less impact. If it ain't broke don't fix it springs to mind with this remake of the classic 70s horror flick.

Although this version does stray in parts from the original, the storyline is basically the same with some slightly freakier folk and tons more blood.

That's not to say it isn't worth a watch for any horror fan worth his/her salt, but it does beg the question of whether the suggestion of a massacre is more terrifying than seeing the vivid imagery, meat hooks and all.

Jessica Biel is impressive in the lead role of the scream queen who manages to hold it together just long enough to put up a decent fight while those around her are dropping like flies.

Despite the inevitable slickness of modern horror, this is still pretty disturbing stuff with more shock value scenes but nothing beats the docu drama reality of the grainy scenes of terror in the first version.

This is pretty good on it's own merit but I'll take the original thank you. There's only one Leatherface for me.