AN EXTRAORDINARY woman from Northwich is getting ready to fire up a locomotive on the Llangollen Railway to raise money for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

Tomorrow, Thursday, Blodwyn Phillips from Solvay Road, Winnington, will stand proudly on the footplate shovelling coal into the engine's boiler as the locomotive rumbles out of the station, hauling the 11am service to Carrog.

Although Blodwyn is registered blind, she has never let her visual impairment prevent her from leading an exciting life and her achievements are inspiring.

She has already embarked on a number of special events to raise money for the guide dogs including a blind car drive in Bolton, a police skidpan in Liverpool and flying a small aircraft over Merseyside.

Blodwyn is 'excited and a bit nervous' at the thought of her next venture, adding that it is something she has always wanted to do.

She said: "I wanted to do something exciting and high profile, drawing attention to the skills and determination among disabled people."

She added: "My guide dog, Ufton, has given me the confidence to make an active contribution to society and I'm delighted to be raising awareness and money for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, whose dogs have acted as my eyes for so many years."

It costs £10 a day to breed, train and support each dog, and with around 5,000 guide dog partnerships in the UK, Blodwyn's fundraising will make a very real difference to blind and partially sighted people.

Anyone wishing to sponsor Blodwyn should phone the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association on 07990 540231.