IN reply to the letter Landfill Stench (Dear Star, April 1), yes the person whom wrote in is correct as to the flocks of 'scavenging seagulls' over the tip in Vista Road. There are hundred over on certain days and Banks don't seem to be bothered now.

When they first started the tip they used to fire a gun sound to scare off these 'flying rats/gulls' but this seems to have stopped now they have got their licence to tip. Now we are unable to do anything about the tip only complain to Banks as to the 'flying rats' screaming and fouling all over the surround areas.

Prior to getting the Landfill we should give notice and congratulate a team of local people from around the surrounding areas who formed a committee called the R.A.T.S. Committee to fight the Landfill proposal. They did a very good job and hard job at the time, this was all done in their own time and at their own expense in most cases.

There was a public meeting called in the Town Hall and it was full of all local people from all the surrounding areas. There were also representatives from local businesses, hotels and schools and so on, they put up some very good points over of why our area did not want and should not have a landfill site.

There were only the Banks Team there who wanted this site. The Government sent a civil servant from London to 'listen' to the points for and against the proposals.

There was no one in attendance at the meeting from around our local areas who actually wanted the site apart from the Banks Team.

In the end we now all have a site that the majority of local people/ Councillors/ planning committee/ and our MP stated they did not want.

Is this a democratic society or what?

MR Murphy, Local Resident (address supplied).