I NOTICE in the police budget leaflet that reached me recently the police tax had gone up by 10 per cent on last year.

Last year it went up by 19.8 per cent. That means the police tax has gone up by more than 30 per cent in two years!

I notice also that the 'other staff' portion went up £4.2 million last year and another £3.2 million this year. That is £7.4 million in two years.

I don't mind the police officers funding going up as that means more bobbies on the beat. I also don't mind specialist officers who can help tackle crime that uniformed officers can't do.

I would, however, welcome a breakdown of this 'other staff' portion, so I can see what I and others are paying for. Perhaps the chief constable can get one of his 'other staff' to prepare a reply for him and inform us all?

E Redmond, Widnes