A SCHOOL choir swept to its second victory in as many years at a music festival - despite having to rehearse on its broken-down coach.

Led by music teacher Katrina Madden, Culcheth High School choir proved its excellent reputation worthy of recognition outside the Warrington area by scooping the award at the Heaton Mersey Youth Festival.

The 45-strong choir kept to its mission, even when its coach broke down on Barton high-level bridge in high winds.

The delay meant members had to rehearse their songs on the coach while they awaited back-up transport.

The choir finally arrived at the contest with just five minutes to spare.

To claim their prize, choir members performed a selection of songs in four parts including the Libera Me from Faur's Requiem with a solo by Matthew Hyland, one of the stars of the school's recent production of South Pacific.

The Latin piece proved to be a great practice for the choir which will perform Faurs Requiem at the Albert Hall in London in July with 2000 singers.

Music teacher Mrs Madden said: "I am immensely proud of the choir - all the students show a huge amount of dedication. They are fantastic ambassadors for Culcheth High School and for Warrington."

If you want to hear the choir in action, you can buy a copy of its CD from Mrs Madden on 762136.