IMAGES resembling a scene from a Hammer horror film have whipped up a storm of protest over the desecration of graves at an ancient burial ground.

Visitors have discovered an unearthed skull and numerous vandalized graves. It's thought gangs of drug-crazed and drunken youths are responsible for the ghoulish violations.

Since the pictures, captured by Arthur Jones, Pete Leyland and Steven Hopwood have been placed on a website, they have attracted around 2,000 angry messages.

The land surrounding the fifteenth century Windleshaw chantry, belongs to St Thomas of Canterbury Church.

Seventy eight-year-old Right Reverend William Dalton said that although efforts have been made to keep the gangs at bay, he is constantly being frustrated.

"We have had trouble for a number of years," he said. "You just can't keep a permanent watch on them.

"With the long nights coming in, there isn't much we can do. We have been doing what we can, tidying the place up, but keep finding cans of beer and evidence of drug use."

He explained that any upkeep of the cemetery comes directly out of his budget and admits they are struggling.

They had to spend thousands of pounds repairing an old wall after yobs knocked it down.

Reverend Dalton added: "This is a sign of the times. These people don't have any regard for the past or reverence for the dead."

He issued a plea for help from the public to report any suspicious behaviour to the police.

Arthur Jones, who took the pictures, agreed: "This is part of our heritage," he said.

"Kids these days aren't really bothered by history, but every single grave has got some history to it. Each grave tells a story about the person."