THE Vocational College, one of the UK's leading training providers, has launched a national base at the Heath Business and Technical Park in Runcorn.

The college - formerly know as Taurus Training - provides a wide range of training services, with programmes that include NVQs, foundation MAs and advanced MAs.

The new Runcorn operation is placing a particular focus on management training.

Frank Audoire, the college's commercial controller, said: "We are attracted by the excellent communication links at The Heath, while we were also impressed by the location's status.

"We were looking for a prestigious site that would reflect what we are trying to achieve.

Peter Cook, managing director of SOG Ltd, the company that owns and manages the Heath, said: "We are delighted to add the Vocational College to the rapidly expanding list of residents here at the Heath.

"The college is an important national training provider whose services will enhance those already offered at the business park, both to residents and the wider community."

A number of personnel working at the Heath have already signed up to a management development programme being offered by the Vocational College.

A number of other training courses are already in the pipeline.