EDUCATION figureheads in Warrington and Cheshire held a summit yesterday, Wednesday, to discuss upcoming Ofsted inspections.

The Learning and Skills Council (LSC), Connexions, and the Cheshire and Warrington local education authorities hosted the event in Crewe.

Ofsted inspectors will be visiting partners and stakeholders across the area in May and June to reach judgements on the effectiveness of education and training for 14- to 19-year-olds.

Malcolm Roxburgh, director of education at Warrington Borough Council, said: "Cheshire and Warrington have a long track record of high quality education.

"The four partners have prepared a self-evaluation report prior to the inspection so we already have a picture of what we feel to be strengths across the area."

He added that there was a lot of good work going on, but he hoped that the conference would shine a light on areas that need further development.

Julia Dowd, executive director of the LSC, said: "Getting learning right for young people is at the heart of what the LSC, Connexions and the local education authorities are trying to achieve."

Steve Hoy, chief executive of Connexions Cheshire and Warrington, added that joint working between the key strategic partners on the 14-19 agenda has been under way for some time.