I AGREE totally with D Hardy, April 28.

Some of the childish letters that people write about what each town has or hasn't got belongs back in school.

Mr Watt's letter, April 28, only illustrated the same sort of childish banter by his references to the woes of Runcorn and Castlefields in particular.

He said there is nothing for school kids to do during the holidays.

What rubbish. There was a 'splash' programme advertised in the local papers only this month, as one example. What's wrong with free swimming, sports, etc - not good enough?

Or is he saying that he expects everyone else to pay for more generous provision for his children? No thanks, that's your responsibility as a parent.

Mr Watts then goes on to say there is no secondary school for children in Castlefields.

Either he is suggesting no children from all Castlefields have a school to go to, which really is rubbish, or does he think that Castlefields should have their very own high school?

There he is complaining about council tax increases and calling for millions to be spent in his area on a school or other facilities.

Talk about having your cake and wanting to eat it.

Carol Whitby, Runcorn