A SEMINAR to help identify and address housing needs in the borough took place recently in Halton.

The event, Housing - Meeting the Need, was held at the Halton Stadium and was organised jointly by the council's community legal services partnership, homelessness and lettings section and campaigning charity, Shelter.

Around 50 people attended, representing organisations such as the PCT, Liverpool Housing Trust, YMCA, the Halton Council, Age Concern, Halton Citizen Advocacy and HITS.

The event looked at issues identified in the council's homelessness strategy and the community legal services strategic plan. It aimed to increase understanding of how different agencies can help people in housing need, to improve how agencies work together to solve the various needs of those with housing issues and to raise Shelter's profile.

Delegates heard a presentation on the background to housing in Halton and Shelter, there was a mapping exercise to identify gaps in service provision and they were then given case studies to consider.

These covered topics such as disrepair, illegal eviction, homelessness, domestic violence and young people and drugs.