RESIDENTS in Latchford are happy that a brothel, which was doing business above a St Rocco's charity shop, has been closed down.

The brothel, masquerading as a massage parlour, was doing business in a flat in the same building as the charity's Knutsford Road shop in Latchford.

But following an investigation by the Warrington Guardian it was shut down after we revealed the true nature of the business to the shop's landlord.

One landlady, who owns property on the same road and does not want to be named, said: "All the residents around here are really glad it's been shut down. Everybody's absolutely made up."

She added that she had a lot of problems in the past and that her business had suffered as a result of the trade going on down the road.

She said that one of her tenants moved in and moved out within one day because they found out what kind of business was operating around the corner.

A pensioner, who lives close by, added: "All the neighbours thank you (the Guardian) for what you have done. It's a lot better round here now because you had the guts to do it."