LYMM High School has picked up two national awards in recognition of its sport and art programme.

The school, on Oughtrington Lane, has received awards from Sport England and the Arts Council in recognition of its work.

The Sportsmark award recognises the provision of a well-balanced PE programme, an out-of-school-hours programme that provides a range of opportunities and sporting links within the community.

And the Artsmark Gold award rewards a progressive, inclusive and well-balanced arts education programme.

Roger Lounds, headteacher at the school, said he was delighted with the awards.

He added: "Achievements of these awards included thorough application processes, which afforded us to review our provision and we were delighted to receive recognition in light of this.

"We intend to enhance our current programme of activities and provision in order to continue our positive attitude towards these areas so that students continue to participate in, and reap the benefits of, a physically active lifestyle and a wide experience of the arts."