MEMBERS, in the words of Paul Simon's song, had 'diamonds on the soles of their shoes' at their October meeting, or, as they learned, some 95 miles below their soles!

Mining engineer turned jeweller, John Pass, took members on a journey through time and from deep beneath the Earth's surface.

They learned how diamonds formed deep in the Earth's crust long ago, and the processes that took them through to the sparkling gems that we delight in today. In many places diamonds are hewn from deep mines, but West Africa is one part of the world where diamonds are more easily mined.

This has led to these gems being described as 'conflict' diamonds as they are used to fund terrorism and warfare.

Proper certification of diamonds can prove their quality and their provenance so that buyers can be sure they are not 'conflict' stones.

In mid October the book club meets to discuss their first book, having already chosen others to read for the rest of the year.

Members and friends met at Warmingham for their regular ramble on October 15.

November 3 is the date for the next meeting, which will also be the annual meeting, and will conclude with mystery entertainment.

At the meeting members reflect on the year and elect committee members to arrange another exciting year for them. Visitors are always welcome and many of them stay!

Meetings take place in Warmingham Village Hall at 7.30pm. Ring 01606 737037 or email for further details.