HARTFORD'S Parish Plan is well on target for publication and councillors are delighted with the progress its steering committee has made.

The final document will be the result of months of hard work that has been spearheaded by Hartford parish councillors Rita Hollens and Julia Tasker.

The plan was formed from the results of a household and business survey conducted earlier this year which highlighted key issues in the village raised by residents and workers.

The plan will look at key areas to be developed including community safety, facilities and amenities, transport and traffic, as well as youth, sport and recreation.

The document forms an action plan based on the opinions of Hartford residents and businesses, enabling the parish council to strengthen and improve the quality of life for people living in the village.

Clr Hollens said the provisional launch date for the plan was November 19 and wished to thank everyone who had helped the steering committee with comments and suggestions.

Hartford Civic Society's Village Design statement - a document designed to protect a village from having its character changed by future building developments - is also on target for completion and is due to be published within the next four to six months.