LEFTWICH residents have been flocking to sign a petition against the removal of a much-loved paddling pool from a play area.

Although people agree that the play area, on Old Hall Road, needs modernising and redeveloping after years of vandalism, more than 500 people have put their names down in protest against Vale Royal Borough Council's decision to fill in the paddling pool as part of a £70,000 project.

The redevelopment, which could be completed by spring, will also include demolishing the neighbouring pump house, building a new play area for children and creating an area for teenagers.

Joe Wyatt, the landlord of the Pillar of Salt pub, started the petition when he heard about the decision to remove the pool. He said: "The council says only a small minority wanted to keep the pool, but it's a majority - as the petition proves. Even people who live around the pool have signed the petition, and they have to look at it every day. The council can't ignore this."

Public consultation exercises did take place from July last year, but Joe thinks that residents' views have been ignored.

He said: "Public meetings held to get our opinions were just a waste of time - I took an active part in them, but if the council is not going to listen I'm not getting involved again."

Joe has also dismissed council claims that the climate is not ideal for a paddling pool and that it is a hazard because of cracks in the concrete. He said: "We have had a few hot weeks this year when the pool would have been used, and the cracks are only in the plaster - I saw them repair the paddling pool in Northwich in a day."