In the 1970s my family and I lived in the Bath House, Bath Street, for four years. The residents on 't'other side of road' were always whinging then, if anyone dared to use Bath Street whether the baths were open or not.

They all elected to buy property there, even though a Victorian Baths was directly opposite. They will still whinge if any form of entertainment complex (be it green baize or water-based) eventually occupies the site.

In fact I can't think of any property that would appeal to them, unless of course they are merely hoping one day for a handsome compulsory purchase payment.

Like many people who buy property on the edge of an airport and see it expand, whinging becomes an art form for them.

Whatever replaces the baths as long as it gives large numbers of people pleasure, then so be it.

After all the land belongs to the Warrington community, not the Bath Street residents.

Mr P Symes

Withycombe Road, Penketh