A MOTHER is furious the speed limit on the Kingsmead spine road - the major trunk route through the area -is to be increased to 40mph from its current 30mph limit.

Tracy Williams says youngsters at the recently opened Kingsmead Primary School have problems crossing the road even with the slower speed limit in operation and with the help of a school crossing patrol 'lollipop man'.

She said: "My daughter goes to the school and we have a very nice lollipop man. But even he has problems when he steps in to the road and cars drive round him. Can you believe that?

Some people are so ignorant that they can't wait a few seconds so that our children and parents can cross the road safely.

"In building such an eco-friendly school, the county council has encouraged parents and pupils to walk or cycle to school instead of using the car.

"How hypocritical it is then that the same council should make doing so more dangerous by increasing the speed limit."

A Cheshire County Council spokesman said a thorough investigation had been carried out in accordance with the speed review policy and a speed limit of 40mph had been put forward.

She said: "At the same time, design work is under way for a Puffin crossing near to the commercial centre which we believe would be extensively used by children, shoppers and staff who can safely cross the spine road in future."

She added that design work would be completed and work would start to coincide with the introduction of the new speed limit.
