CLAIMS that Vale Royal overrides Northwich Town Council on planning issues have led two town members to withdraw from future debates.

Town councillors Dee and Brian Cooke claim the views of Northwich town representatives are being overlooked by the borough council and have stepped down from town council planning meetings in protest.

Their decision means the town council planning committee will now consist of eight rather than 10 members until next May.

In a joint statement to this week's town council meeting, the Cookes said: "We wish to withdraw from all the planning meetings.

"Under the circumstances we feel it is a waste of time when the Northwich Town Council does not pass a set of plans and Vale Royal Borough Council overrides us.

"We feel they are making Northwich and surrounding areas an undesirable place to live."

But the town council meeting heard that members were being asked for opinions on planning matters rather than a decision.

Deputy mayor Lesley Cotterill said: "At the end of the day, it is Vale Royal that makes the decisions, not us."