THE December meeting of Kingsley WI was an open meeting held in the Hurst Chapel where the Weaver Valley Choir entertained members and friends with a concert of carols and poetry to celebrate Christmas.

Joyce Kirkpatrick conducted the choir in a varied programme including Mistletoe and Wine, The Star of God and Rhythm of Life.

Joyce and her husband Roy sang I'll Walk Beside You very beautifully. Some members of the choir recited poems, some very funny and others more serious.

Father Christmas visited with a number of little helpers who distributed chocolates to everyone.

At the end of the concert, the audience took up their musical instruments and the choir donned Christmas hats and tuned up their bazoukis to give a memorable performance of Jingle Bells

Joan Barker thanked the choir.

President Helen Stewart reminded everyone that the Christmas luncheon club meeting would be at Frodsham Golf Club on December 8.

Members and friends are also invited.

After the meeting had finished tea and delicious cakes were served to the choir and audience.

Next month the meeting will be at St John's School on January 5.

There will be a faith supper and social evening with a beetle drive.