WARRINGTON police are launching a Christmas campaign to crack down on alcohol-fuelled disorder.

Police are warning troublemakers to stay away from pubs and bars in Warrington town centre, and in the outlying villages, this Christmas.

Officers will be out in force on two specific Yellow Card weekends, as part of the campaign to prevent anti-social behaviour.

Superintendent Julia Clayton said: "This is not about targeting law-abiding Christmas revellers who want to go out in Warrington and have a good time.

"We want people to enjoy the festive season in safety, reassured by the knowledge that police will be out on the streets of the town centre cracking down on alcohol-fuelled violence."

Police will visit licensed premises, along with representatives from Warrington Borough Council, the Fire Service and Environmental Health.

Seven new special constables will be out on patrol with the division's existing team of specials and fixed penalty tickets will be used for low-level offences, such as littering and drinking alcohol in the designated exclusion zones.

Penalty tickets for these types of offences have risen to £50. More serious offences may be dealt with by an £80 fixed penalty ticket.