A YOUTH group based in Westy will be getting in the charity mood to fund a trip to Romania.

Members of Youth 4 U will be heading out to the country to help with a project that will see seven teenagers aged between 15 and 18 help build houses in the country next month.

The group, part of the Westy Christian Fellowship, needs to raise £3,000 to reach its target of £6,000 to help pay for materials for the trip.

Gill Cooper-Dykes, youth leader, said: “We are raising funds because we are taking Westy children to Romania to help build homes for children there who would otherwise be living in orphanages.

“It is the first time we are taking some of the children with us. It’s going to be a culture shock for them, these children haven’t got running water or any other home comforts we take for granted.”

They will be helping to build a house for a family and their tasks will include plastering and insulating the building.

The group, based at St Margaret’s Community Centre, on Lindley Avenue, has already received help from B&Q which has donated some supplies.

To reach its fundraising total the group has been bag packing, holding pamper nights and has two events lined up over the next two weeks.

A fete takes place at Latchford Baptist Church, on Loushers Lane, this Saturday from 11am until 2pm where there will be crafts made by the youngsters available to buy along with cakes, face painting and a range of stalls.

On Friday, February 19, there will be a disco and auction night at Warrington Football Club, on Wash Lane.

Tickets, which cost £5 each and include a hotpot supper, are available from the youth group.

Youth 4 U meets on Thursday nights from 7pm until 8.30pm and is open to youngsters aged between 10 and 16.