A REVIEW into the council’s housing stock and ownership of homes managed by Golden Gates Housing is being carried out.

The council will be holding a conference for tenants to discuss the housing options and the results of a stock condition survey of council homes.

Tenants will also be asked what they think of the current service they receive and what they would like to see in the future.

The conference takes place on Friday, July 18, between 10am and 3.30pm at the Conference Space at The Gateway, on Sankey Street.

Free places at the conference are available to any council tenant and out of pocket expenses will be provided. Refreshments and lunch will also be provided.

To book call Helen Catterson or Vikki Jones on freephone 0800 952 994 or e-mail hcatterson@warrington.gov.uk or vikki.jones@goldengateshousing.org.uk