NATIONAL Tea Day is on April 21, a celebration of Britain’s love of our favourite brew.

Coincidentally this year National Tea Day coincides with the 8th birthday of Room Forty the award-winning mobile afternoon tea room established by Woolston resident Jen Perry.

"It’s a double celebration for me," says Jen, "I can’t believe that my little business based around my combined love of tea, cake and vintage has been earning me a living for eight years." 

"Britons quaff 100 million cups of tea a day with three quarters of the population drinking one cup a day and one in eight chugging down six or more. I’m one of the one in eight", adds Jen.

"There are health benefits too," Jen continues.

Warrington Guardian:

"Research has shown that people who drink 2 – 3 cups a day have a lower risk of premature death, heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Another review also found that tea significantly reduced blood pressure."

"I’m no physician but I can see why tea might help reduce blood pressure,’ she adds ‘It’s our go-to drink in times of stress. When visitors arrive, we offer them a cup of tea. Family crisis? ‘I’ll put the kettle on’. Out shopping and need a breather? Have a cup of tea. Tea offers us a little time out to take a break from whatever is happening, pause and relax. It raises morale and has even helped us through the stress of wartime. Did you know that since 1943 all British battle tanks have had a built-in kettle fitted?.

"We are living in stressful times so make sure to just take a moment, stick the kettle on and enjoy a cuppa as a quiet few minutes alone, or shared with loved ones. Make Room for tea", say’s Jen