A PENKETH nursery has been slammed by Ofsted for not meeting welfare requirements.

Inspectors visited Springwood Nursery on July 4 after receiving ‘concerns that the provider was not meeting some of the requirements’.

An official report published on July 12 by the education watchdogs following the visit confirmed this to be true.

It said: “On July 4, 2023, we carried out a regulatory visit. We found the provider was not meeting some of the requirements.

“We have served a welfare requirements notice. This is a legal notice that requires the provider to take the actions below within the timescales set out.”

The report also highlighted important actions that needed to be taken in order to meet the requirements by a deadline of July 21.

These actions were stated as the following: “Train all staff to understand and implement the settings, safeguarding policies and procedures.

“Ensure all staff, including those on short term placements receive induction training that helps them understand their roles and responsibilities.

“Ensure there are always enough qualified staff to meet the minimum required adult-to-child ratio deploy staff to ensure children are adequately supervised and their needs are met at all times.”

Ofsted confirmed the setting would be monitored to ‘ensure the actions are successfully completed’.

The nursery’s last official graded inspection was in June this year where it was graded as ‘requires improvement’.