PUPILS receive ‘exceptional’ care and ‘flourish’ at a school in Culcheth according to an official report.

Ofsted inspectors paid a visit to Culcheth Primary for an inspection in May and determined it to be a good school.

The Warrington Road setting was said to have a ‘strong sense of family and belonging amongst staff and pupils’ in the glowing report.

Leaders were praised for their ‘extremely high expectations’ they hold for every pupil that attends including those with SEND.

“Staff set out and model these expectations clearly. Pupils take pride in their work and try their best to live up to leaders’ expectations. Pupils, including those with SEND, achieve highly.”

Pupils feel ‘safe and happy’ because of the effective way staff deal with any bullying issues ‘swiftly’.

“Pupils behave exceptionally well in lessons and around the school. This helps pupils, and children in early years, to feel safe and happy.”

The ‘clear and precise’ curriculum put in place for pupils was also highlighted by inspectors as being rich and ambitious.

“Teachers carefully break down learning into well-organised sections. As a result, pupils, including those with SEND, achieve exceptionally well.

“Year six pupils are very well equipped for the transition to secondary school.

“Curriculum leaders have considerable subject expertise. They ensure that pupils build up secure knowledge across the curriculum. They make regular checks to ensure that staff implement the curriculum to a high standard.”

It was reflected in the report how leaders ‘inspire’ pupils to be aspirational in their futures by taking them on a ‘wide range of exciting trips’ including to universities.

Lastly, staff spoke of their pride at working at the setting.

“Staff are immensely proud to work at the school. They are overwhelmingly positive about the support and consideration that they receive from school leaders.

“This includes how well leaders manage their workload and well-being. Governors know the school extremely well.

“They have exceptionally high expectations of leaders and check on their work rigorously. Governors are highly committed to the success of every pupil.”

A spokesperson from Culcheth Primary spoke of their ‘delight’ at the recent Ofsted report.

“We are absolutely delighted with the report from Ofsted and very proud to be part of this fabulous school.

“It is testament to the hard work of all of the staff and pupils and the support that is given by our lovely families.

“Ofsted recognised all of the opportunities that are offered to the pupils to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities and sports.”