TWO young budding stars will make their debut on the Liverpool Empire stage soon after being scouted during a performance at their former home at Warrington & Vale College.

Alisha Ward and Lucian Hinchcliffe will soon watch as the curtains draw on their careers in acting, having recently studied Level 3 Performing arts at college.

Previously having had no experience in performing arts, Alishia found her passion and drive for the subject during her time at the school and has now bagged herself a role in the hit stage production of Legally Blonde.

While Lucian, a former pupil at Penketh High School, joined Warrington & Vale Royal knowing his future was made for the stage.

The pair both performed in the college’s recent production of Bad Girls: The Musical, where they were scouted for the opportunities – both still awaiting confirmation of their future roles.

Alishia and Lucian said their time at the college was ‘pivotal’ in progressing on to the path they now find themselves on.

“If it hadn’t been for my time at Warrington & Vale Royal College then I would never have known about Liverpool Empire Youth Theatre,” Alishia said.

“Without a doubt, these were best two years of my life so far and I’ve met some amazing people, been involved in so many opportunities and I have trained to be a great performer,” she added.

Lucian, who delivered his first ever musical solo and duet in the musical is taking on further classes within the college’s Advanced Creative & Digital Skills Centre.

He said: “I have loved my time at the college so far.

“At my course discussion in year 11, I knew this was the place for me and I was certain I would be happy here.

“I wholeheartedly recommended the college, not only for the course, but for the amazing opportunities you are offered along the way.”

A spokesperson for Warrington & Vale Royal College said: “The college, its tutors and fellow students are so proud of Alisha and Lucian, and we cannot wait to see what they will achieve next on their journey to centre stage.”