FORMER Prime Minister David Cameron visited Warrington to congratulate a group of young people who had completed the National Citizen Service (NCS) programme.

As part of his role as the chairman for the NCS initiative, the former leader of the Conservative Party attended a ceremony at Parr Hall to celebrate the achievements of the younger generation.

He said: “I was bowled over by the enthusiasm of the NCS graduates I met.

“They told me about the skills they’ve learned, the friends they’ve made and the confidence they’ve gained.

“I felt hugely proud that the scheme is making such a big difference to young lives.

“I really enjoyed speaking to parents, teachers and people from local charities and businesses too about the positive impact they’ve seen NCS have at home, in the classroom and in the community.

“That’s what NCS is all about – happier, more resilient and resourceful young people.”

The NCS is open to 16 and 17 year olds to help them to build invaluable work and life skills.

This programme was introduced in 2010 as part of the Big Society agenda during Mr Cameron’s office as Prime Minister.

Mr Cameron joined more that 90 people including Baroness Helen Newlove of Warrington at the celebration at Parr Hall last Thursday, September 14.

Dave McNicholl, chief executive of OnSide Warrington Youth Club, added: “I have been astounded over the past six years by the way young people embrace the programme and work together far more effectively and quickly than we ever thought that would to have a very positive impact on the community and in turn themselves.

“It is an honour that both Mr Cameron, Michael Lynas, the chief executive of the NCS, and Baroness Newlove of Warrington came to meet our young people – an event which we will all remember with pride.”