DARESBURY residents gathered for the launch of the village parish plan.

The plan was put together by the Daresbury Parish Plan steering group to improve the facilities that residents want.

It intends to improve all aspects of village life, including transport links, education, the environment, development and community safety.

Fifty people gathered to hear about the plans so far at the parish rooms next to the Ring O'Bells pub.

Two years ago the group was formed by eight residents and charged with discovering what people liked and disliked and the improvements they wanted to see.

Almost 200 responded and the parish plan was born.

The launch of the plan was also attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Halton, Clr John and Margaret Swain, as well as parish councillors and members of Cheshire Wildlife Trust, which supports the project.

Ian Ireland, chairman of the steering group, said: "We were delighted with the turnout and we have had a great response to our request for further help in taking the plan forward."