It has been brought to my attention that I have decidedly thin legs.

My esteemed colleague, Stephen Bailey (who could be compared to a daddy long legs in human form) is delighted, since he has realised he is not the owner of the skinniest stems in the office.

Personally I believe his legs are exactly the same thickness as my own... He's having none of it, and would no doubt claim that his legs are growing substantially since he took up cycling.

You can have a look at Stephen's legs by clicking here and reading his blog.

This issue presents a problem since, according to Stephen, my legs will snap under the strain and embarrassment of being revealed during the marathon.

I have, however come to the conclusion that cheetahs, greyhounds and Paula Radcliffe have thin legs and if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.

And I guess I'll just have to put up with people referring to my legs as twiglets, pipe cleaners and toothpicks.