A LABOUR councillor has hit back at the Conservative Party chairman for his comments surrounding the overhaul of Cheshire Police.

Cllr Chris Vobe (Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft - LAB) has accused the part of 'passing the buck' on police cuts in the town.

He said: “Frank Allen’s comments show us that the Tories in Warrington North have no real answers, so have resorted to dodging the issue. 

"It is outrageous they are trying to shift responsibility for devastating reductions in our services onto hard-working, committed officers, who are striving to keep our streets safe, despite cuts of over £30 million being forced upon them by the Conservative government. That is passing the buck.

“The decision rests with the Conservative police and crime commissioner. 

"The changes which are being implemented – which require every police officer and PCSO to start and end their shift in the town centre – have been published in the commissioner’s name. 

"For the Conservatives to try and shirk their accountability in this way is nothing short of disgraceful.”

Earlier this week, the Warrington Guardian reported comments made by Mr Allen.

He said: "It is disappointing that Cllr Vobe has decided to attack these plans while at the same time trying to intimate they are solely down to the Conservative police and crime commissioner.

"Cllr Vobe even sent out a press release before he had even sat down with the senior police officers at his parish council to hear their side of the story." 

But Cllr Vobe has refused to back down, adding: “For local Tories to claim that frontline officer numbers are going up is simple nonsense.

"Their own Government has published figures which show that we have 115 fewer officers in Cheshire than when Commissioner Dwyer took up his post. 

"It’s time the Tories addressed the real issue here – we have fewer officers on the streets, and now the Commissioner is reducing officer time.

“Whilst our village is being hit, where is our last remaining Tory councillor? She is sitting on the side-lines while this issue unfolds, unwilling to speak out.

"Unlike her, Cllr Matt Smith and I will defend the interests of our community and will not sit idly by.”