MEET the lecturer hoping to swap college corridors for a red carpet after being selected for an award dubbed the 'Oscars for teachers'.

Rory Lees-Oakes, lecturer in counselling at Warrington Collegiate, has been celebrating after being shortlisted from thousands of nominations to join a list of 67 exceptional teachers competing for a prestigious Pearson teaching award.

The Tameside man is a finalist in the outstanding use of technology category, which recognises teachers who are innovative and imaginative in the use of technology to enhance student learning in the classroom, and is the only college tutor to reach the finals.

He added: “I’ve always believed that technology can not only extend the students studies beyond the classroom but introduce the students to the global community and the opportunities that brings for a successful career.”

For the last seven years Rory has been developing innovative information learning technology strategies to support his students both in the classroom and learning from home.

Initially using podcasting to brief assignments, Rory has now produced and created 72 lectures on counselling and psychotherapy for his Youtube channel and recently hit 1,000,000 views, making it the most watched Youtube channel in the world dedicated to counselling theory and practice.

He added: “It’s gone global!

"In the teaching and counselling sector it’s now the biggest Youtube channel in terms of the most hits and content.

"Originally I created it to allow my students access to learning 24 hours a day as many aren't working a 9 to 5 day and need to study during the late evening and night.

"I've even had emails from lecturers at other colleges who have embedded the videos in their website.”

Rory also has an online newspaper called the 'The Counselling Times' which gives insights in to how employers in the mental health sector develop initiatives to support people and his own Twitter feed for students.

Finalists will find out if they have won on 'Thank a Teacher Day' on June 12 ahead of a star-studded UK final at the Royal Opera House in October 2015 which is filmed and broadcast by the BBC.