A CELEBRATION of the life of Stuart Buchanan takes place this weekend, commemorating what would have been his coming of age.

A football tournament will take place at Great Sankey Leisure Centre on Saturday from 1.30pm until 3.30pm.

The tournament, set to become an annual memorial event, will celebrate what would have been Stuart's 18th birthday on Tuesday this week.

The popular teenager had originally planned to celebrate his big day with friends in the garden of his Old Hall home.

But in June last year, he was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia.

Days after being told he had six months to live Stuart lost his fight for life in December.

Now, a charitable fund has been set up in his name and Saturday's winning team will be presented with the Stuart Buchanan Memorial Award.

All friends of Stuart's are invited to go along to the tournament, either to take part or to watch, but to get together to celebrate Stuart's life and birthday.