IT was perfect weather to plant trees as a team of volunteers got stuck in to work at a park.

The Friends of St Elphin’s Park have been making a difference at the green space by planting trees in time for their festive celebrations.

The trees have been sponsored by the community, Ikea, the Woodland Trust and Warrington Borough Council.

Jean Flaherty, from the friends group, said: “We put in a bid for trees and were granted two small packs including cherry and rowan trees.

“The trees will replace those that were planted when the school was built as some of them are damaged or have died off.

“They will be planted around the edge of the park to keep the open feel.”

And the public can see the new trees at Carols in the Park tomorrow, Friday.

The park’s sensory garden will be transformed into the entrance to Lapland and children can take a trip by candlelight through to Santa’s kitchen were he will be reading out stories on the night.

The Christmas lights will be turned on by the Mayor of Warrington Clr Peter Carey and Warrington Light Opera and Sixpenny Cut will be leading the community carol singing.

The Thelwall Morris men will also perform a mummers play and the fun runs from 6pm to 8pm.