Now work set to start on turning pavilion into tea room

THE bunting will be out at St Elphin’s Park to celebrate its new play equipment.

The green space has been redeveloped with a new play area including fitted equipment and the event will see the Mayor of Warrington and Fairfield and Howley Clr Peter Carey officially unveil the space.

Jean Flaherty, secretary at the association, said: “It is wonderful to see people enjoy the park after so many years of neglect and decay taking hold.”

The new equipment was installed in April as part of the ongoing transformation of the park which has also seen a sensory garden created.

And now attention will be turning to the bowling pavilion with plans to turn it into a tea room in the future.

Jean added: “We hope to have some ideas for the interior of the tea room so that visitors can get the feel of what to expect and if inclined, show their support for the project by signing our consultation document.”

The opening takes place at 2pm on Saturday with a fun-filled fete including a Punch and Judy show, birds of prey, craft stalls and raffles.

Cheshire Police will identity mark bicycles. Refreshments will include a barbecue and afternoon tea will be served from the bowling pavilion.

To find out more call Jean on 413605.