BANK Park will become a focal point to draw people to the town thanks to a £1.3 million investment.

A new bowls pavilion and cafe, public events space and new toilets are all planned for the town centre green space.

Councillors on the executive board unanimously voted for the work to go ahead on transforming the park at a meeting on Monday.

Clr Kate Hannon (LAB - Orford), executive board member for leisure, community and culture, said: “The park is historically a town centre park that has become tired through lack of investment.

“The initial investment started when we had the Olympic torch come through last year. Work has continued since then such as bushes being cut down to make it more open and feel safer.”

The public events space will see more community days planned for the park.

Last year it was due to hold a youth music event but had to be called off due to the weather.

And the bowling greens will also be restored for teams to make the most of the facilities more often along with new car parking.

Clr Linda Dirir (LAB - Penketh and Cuerdley), executive board member for highways, transportation and climate change, said: “I think it’ s fantastic we are bringing back the bowling facilities for pensioners and there will also be intergenerational use of the park. It’s a jewel in the crown.”

Council leader Clr Terry O’Neill (LAB - Burtonwood and Winwick) added: “This is part of our investment programme to regenerate our green spaces. We have to make our town attractive whether through IT, events and culture.

“We see Bank Park as a key to bringing people into the town centre.

“As a small lad it was like going to a place like Covent Garden and we need an attraction like that again.”

 COUNCILLORS have chosen a partner to work with on their ambitious plans to redevelop the area around The Halliwell Jones Stadium.

The partner, who has yet to be formally named, will work alongside the council on the first of two phases on the project - focusing on the Winwick Street redevelopment.

Council Leader Clr O’Neill said: “The vision for the stadium quarter is town centre offices, a Chester University engineering enterprise hub, we are also looking to repopulate the town to make it vibrant and there will also be new and existing businesses.”