The latest policy decision to not collect wheelie bins if the bin lid is open is yet more evidence of the chaos of a Lib Dem/Tory council.

A council meeting that had to be adjourned because the new Lib Dem/Tory council leaders did not know the rules, a secondary school review which threatens to close local schools and the introduction of travel charges for post 16 students from September is a bad start at best, a disaster at worst!

But now we face the latest twist with the introduction of a new Flat Lid' policy that has left bins uncollected and residents angry and frustrated.

As always it is the council's staff at the chalk face' who take the rap from angry residents, but I would ask people to recognise that the bin men are simply doing their job. That is why I have written to Clr Marks (Leader of the Council) asking him to bin this Lib Dem/Tory policy.

Warrington Borough Council had a very good reputation for delivering good local services that was recognised across the country. In under 60 days the Lib Dem/Tory coalition is beginning to destroy this hard-earned reputation.

Clr Terry O'Neill Leader Warrington Borough Council Labour group