WHAT an absolute joke the volume and speed of traffic on Gainsborough Road is since that new road opened from Slutchers Lane to Chester Road.

I was given a brand-new works van five weeks ago, and already I have had my wing mirror smashed off twice (which I’ve had to replace myself ).

The second incident was on a Saturday morning because of speeders driving way too near to my van, which was legally parked, but people don’t slow down – they just fly past.

What is the council doing about it?

Nothing. It mentioned traffic-calming methods more than 13 months ago, but nothing has come of it.

It is ridiculous the speeds vehicles travel, and one day (God forbid) a pedestrian will get hit.

We have a lot of older folk who can’t walk fast while crossing the road, and they won’t stand a chance.

Something needs doing now. Get something sorted Warrington Borough Council.

