I WAS reading that half of Warrington will be closed for a cycle race in June.

Do we really need that and is it the sort of thing people really want in this town?

As if traffic on a Saturday was not bad enough.

So most of the south of Warrington will become a traffic jam for a few hours while we wait for riders to flash past in a second.

You will barely be able to see them.

And the whole of the town centre will be closed off for much of the day.

I am sure some report will say this is good for business and good for the town.

But I imagine lots of trade will be down. I certainly won’t plan to leave the house, not in my car anyway.

Leave cycle races for France and let cyclists enjoy country lanes.

Don’t shut Warrington down for a vanity project no doubt led by councillors and those in power at the Town Hall.

Surely better ways to spend money.


Stockton Heath